Current News

Upcoming event titled "AI Innovation at USPTO, America’s Innovation Agency" on May 20 from 11:30 am-1:00 pm Click_Here

Recent Papers

The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed. by Bill Ritchmond Click_Here

Engineering Work

Computer vision and OPEN CV. - Drivers license, summarize - text extracted with BERT and OpenCV Click_Here

Major News : Bill Richmond to join as Data Science Lead

Bill is Expert in Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning and All Aspects of Cloud Capabilities

The Scope of AI CoE

The scope of the Maximus-Attain AI/ ML Center of Excellence includes the following matters: cultivating knowledge and skill AI Specialists knowledge sharing Building AI skills in Business and Sales specialists Educating leadership and client perception on capability offering, trustworthiness, and "the why for AI" within Attain

Our Vision:

The Max-Attain AI Center of Excellence serves as a nexus for Artificial Intelligence innovation through collaboration, thought leadership, knowledge capture, and other ways to set Maximus-Attain and our clients up for successful AI/ML development.

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